Change log

0.7.4 (2019-02-12)

  • The click dependency is now floating. The click API used by nbreport is fairly stable, and unpinning improves compatibility with other package’s in the user’s environment.

0.7.3 (2019-08-28)

  • New assets field in the nbreport.yaml configuration file lets a user specify files in the template repository that are meant to be copied into a report instance’s directory. Assets can be data files or Python modules that are needed for the report notebook to run.
  • Added reference documentation for the nbreport.yaml file and also added how-to pages related to assets.


0.7.2 (2019-08-08)

  • Update test dependencies (pytest 5.0.1, pytest-cov 2.7.1, pytest-flake8 1.0.4, responses 0.10.6).
  • Update documentation dependencies (documenteer 0.5, sphinx-click 2.2.0).
  • Improve the “Try it out” experience.

0.7.1 (2018-08-14)

  • For nbreport login, now the user’s GitHub username and password can only be provided through prompts. Previously the password could be specified as a command-line option as well.

0.7.0 (2018-08-12)

This release fixes issues related to the integration of this nbreport command line client with the backend microservice.

New features:

  • Added the nbreport render command that renders the templated notebook of an initialized notebook instance that wasn’t initially rendered (because no template variables were specified).
  • Improved user messages from commands.


  • Fixed bugs in nbreport.compute.
  • nbreport register now sends authentication data.
  • The instance URL (published_instance_url) and API URL (ltd_edition_url) are now obtained during instance initialization. This matches when that data is readily available from the backend microservice.
  • Replace context with cookiecutter in an instance’s nbreport.yaml field. By only reporting data from the cookiecutter template context in nbreport.yaml, we avoid duplicating information that’s copied into the template context, like instance_id and handle.
  • More thoroughly cast config to JSON-serializable dict when inserting the nbreport.yaml instance metadata into the notebook’s metadata. In ruamel.yaml 0.15.52 (2018-08-09), the CommentedMap type is no longer a subclass of OrderedDict. This meant that the configs were no longer JSON-serializable when directly inserted into notebook metadata.


0.6.0 (2018-08-08)

  • Several new commands were added that make the nbreport command line client fully functional:
    • nbreport register command registers a report repo with LSST the Docs so that instances can be published.
    • nbreport init command initializes a new report instance (by reserving a number with the API server and optionally rendering template variables).
    • nbreport compute command computes a report instance’s notebook.
    • nbreport upload command uploads a report instance to the API server, which publishes it to LSST the Docs.
    • nbreport issue command performs the equivalent of init, compute, and upload in a single step.
  • Key metadata from each instance nbreport.yaml file is not available as a Jinja template variable, namely: handle, title, git_repo, git_repo_subdir, instance_id, instance_handle. These variables aren’t part of the cookiecutter namespace and can’t be overridden on the command line.
  • Metadata from nbreport.yaml, as well as the final set of cookiecutter template variables, are included in the notebook files’s metadata. This provides a record of how the notebook was constructed, and will be used on the server to both render the notebook page and to provide filtering of notebooks.
  • Refactored code related to reading ~/.nbreport.yaml out of the nbreport login command and into the nbreport.userconfig module. The main command reads this file and passes data like the authentication token to subcommands.
  • Refactored create_instance() out of the nbreport test command and into nbreport.processing so that multiple subcommands (init, issue) can consume it.


0.5.1 (2018-08-03)

  • Add read:org role to the personal access token obtained by nbreport login. This role is necessary for the service to _authorize_ a user based on their GitHub organization memberships. The list of token roles is now read:org and read:user.


0.5.0 (2018-07-27)

  • New nbreport login command that generates a GitHub personal access token on behalf of the user and caches it in a ~/.nbreport.yaml file. LSST’s notebook-based report system uses GitHub to authenticate users submitting reports and to authorize the publication based on GitHub organization memberships.
  • New dependencies on requests and responses.


0.4.0 (2018-07-25)

  • nbreport test can now open a report repository from a remote Git repository (such as one on GitHub).
  • New nbreport.ReportRepository.git_clone() class method to clone a report repository from GitHub.

0.3.0 (2018-07-23)

  • New nbreport command-line interface, implemented with Click.
  • New nbreport test command that is designed for locally testing report repositories and ensuring that they render and compute correctly. This command creates a report instance, renders the templated variables, and computes the notebook.
  • New nbreport.repo module to handle report repositories and their configurations.
  • New nbreport.instance module to handle report instances.
  • New nbreport.compute module to run notebook instances to compute their cell outputs.


0.2.0 (2018-07-18)

This version introduces the nbreport.templating module. This module provides functions for building a Jinja context from a cookiecutter.json file and for rendering the source fields of notebook cells as Cookiecutter-compatible Jinja templates.

This release also adds API reference documentation to the site.


0.1.0 (2018-07-17)

Initial packaging of the nbreport project.